The Ol’ Sell & Buy…
Back in our day we just found a house while ours was under contract and it was super easy. Back then, people were just happy someone wanted to buy their house.
Nowadays, if you slip up and tell a home seller you have a house to sell first, they might try to fist-fight you before telling you to get off their property!
Okay but seriously, this process has become super angsty because the houses are selling SO fast and there are barely any to buy. If you do find one, you need to sell a kidney, agree to pay 50k over, sight unseen, and you need to decide in the next 30 minutes…
There is a huge (and somewhat realistic) fear that if you sell, you set off a ticking timebomb, and with nothing to buy, this could get ugly.
Like looking for a camper ugly (multiple clients did this and liked it) or as one client is dealing with, his wife rolled out to the Sunshine State while he is Motel 6ing it!
Have no fear, using this process you can make it super smooth. Almost…