How To Sell Your House During The Summer

Selling During Summer Break


3 Tips For selling your house between June 15th and August 20th.

#1) Pre-plan the entire process and give yourself time for contingencies. Figure out when to list based on the fact that most offers take 30-45 days to settle. The days on market tend to be around 60 (The Mayer Group 26 In 2018) and allow time for repairs and upgrades prior to listing. In our experience getting a house ready to sell in most people’s minds takes 2-3 weeks but in reality takes 1-2 months in many cases.

#2) Next is to have your house Pre-Appraised Pre-Home Inspected and meet with a Home Staging Consultant. (At The Mayer Group We Pay For Everything)

    1. So let’s start with the appraisal. Once you know exactly how much your home is worth you can position in the market so that it is most likely to  sell inside of your window. If you overprice your house you’re going to have to wait and you’re going to lose some equity by not hitting the window of opportunity. You also might miss your timing window and then you get scared, you lower it even more, and then your equity flies out the window! The other concern but not knowing how much it’s worth is if you price it to low you just give away your equity for free.
    2. The Pre-home inspection is key to being able to get repairs done prior to going on the market. It’s been proven that repairs cost on average 50% less when they’re done prior to putting the house on the market. The other thing that allows you to do is if you found a repair that you’re not willing to make or you want to negotiate for you can pre-negotiated one thing to keep in mind is once you’ve already received an offer and agree to it in writing your profit margin can only go in One Direction.
    3. The next part of the process is to make sure that you meet with the home staging consultant that way you can learn how to get your house ready for today’s home buyers what are the things that are attracted to them what’s most important to them and how do you get your house ready to make it look absolutely fantastic so that sells quickly and you can hit your target of selling it in the summertime.

#3) The third piece of advice is make sure that you’re working with a Certified Home Selling Advisor. Somebody who’s been certified by the National Association of Expert Advisors.

Less than 1% of Realtors Nationwide hold this affiliation. And what it means that we’ve been extensively trained on how to sell houses for up to 18% more money and much faster using a proven process is a back by extensive market research.