Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze

Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze???


When it comes time to plan the sale of your house most people heavily factor in their personal opinions about what they might like when buying a home. The problem is you are not buying your home…

Others have strong beliefs about the right and wrong way to sell a house and they let those thoughts dictate their decisions.

The average American owns 3 houses in their lifetime so therefore they sell two…
Do we paint?
If we do what color, neutral beige?
How about the kitchen?
Who would we even hire?
Should we redo the carpets and if so what color?
What if the buyer hates it?
How much would all that cost?
Would we get the money back if we spend all that?
What if we do all this work and the buyer plans on making it “their own” and changes everything?
If we choose to save this money won’t it be more money in our pocket?

There is a LOT to consider and the way you manage those decisions will determine the profit margins and potentially even whether or not it will sell (not every house sells even in this market!)

When Listing For Sale Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze?
There is obviously a LOT to consider and in the balance is tens of thousands of dollars – Choose wisely my friend ; )