In the last article I wrote about replacing the carpet and hopefully, it made sense that some repairs will net more money than they actually cost.
Assuming you might want to consider making some upgrades where should you start?
First of many shameless plugs! – Text or Call us 443-624-9398 to have our home stager give you a FREE evaluation of how to prep your home for sale!

We believe in doing the things that will give you the most bang for your buck and starting with the least expensive items to the most expensive.
Paint, door handles, faucets and shower curtains are typically the least expensive changes. Of course for free, removing items and moving things into storage is often more helpful especially when there is a strong decorative tase in the home.

But how about the big ticket items like a roof and granite countertops? Again definitely call us before doing those first of all because our granite guy can do them under $2500 most of the time (10 times in 2017 alone)
Here is the list of items and their return on investment according to houselogic HERE
p.s. an expert tip here – Woman make the home choice more often than the men and they focus on the kitchen and master bath